Practicum 491:

I explored many different kinds of assessment during my 491  practicum: My biggest assessment accomplishment was developing my own CSL’s. I created the CSL from the ground up and reported my assessments in 5 large units (Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Careers). I was responsible for the marks and comments on these CSL’s. One of the CSL’s can be seen in the picture on the right ->
The CSL format required use of the proficiency scale, which I explored in detail.

Throughout each unit, I constantly provided anecdotal comments and authentic feedback; I did this through a lot of one-on-one discussion with my students. Students were able to demonstrate their learning in a variety of different ways (for example: some students were able to orally tell me their understanding, and another student was able to draw his understanding).

I also utilized other assessment techniques throughout my units:

Social Studies:
Myself and my students co-developed the research project criteria, using a technique from Sandra Herbst & Anne Davis. Students were all given a post it note and told to write down what they thought was important for the project. All the post it notes were collected and then we sorted through them as a class. This allowed the students to construct the criteria for the research poster. This criteria was then converted into a rubric that students were able to work through, so they could check off each
part of the assessment as they worked on the project! This can all be seen in the following pictures:

In Science I used exit slips with every lesson, students were able to write, draw, or orally tell me their learning. This was formatively assessed and used to direct my next lessons. A larger poster used a single point rubric that students checked off and stapled to their poster. This can be seen on the right:


Language Arts:
In Language Arts, students practiced responsive journaling and self assessed their work. I provided examples of work so students could see where they fell in the proficiency scale, then students self assessed their own work.

Our Quail houses had a self assessment checklist, so students checked off if their house met the criteria and then stapled the checklist before handing it in. I also tried out a variety of other assessment techniques.




I have attached some additional pictures below:






In Practicum 490, I did a journey of all of the assessments I did. I did this for Education 421 under the guidance of my professor. I was really proud of what I accomplished so I have attached the assignment here:

421 – Practicum 490 Assessment Journey