I cannot believe it is March already, this practicum is just flying by!

This week I had my last 2 formal observations by my coaching teacher (Social Studies and 2nd Language (Dakelh)). Both went well and the students loved them. I might do a few extra ones with my coaching teacher over the next 2 weeks as well, but just for my own personal growth.

My coaching teacher taught me a lot about criteria and setting students up for success this week!

I explored single point rubrics and explaining the criteria in more detail. I saw a HUGE  improvement with my assessments because the students were set up for success! In my observed Social Studies, we codeveloped the criteria for the rubric and the students have

 been so invested in the project! I explored these new assessment techniques in my LA lessons (novel study) lessons. I set up the students with a scaffolded approach to give more students an access point. The results was much better writing, because the criteria was clear and accessible. The results have been great and I am really starting to understand the larger picture of assessment.

In Science, I had an assessment poster

 for what we have done already. I broke down everything  their poster needed to have and printed it off as a small checklist that they self assessed and stapled to their poster before turning it in.

I am working on CSL’s at the moment. My coaching teacher is allowing me to develop it from the ground up, so I am spending this weekend coming up with the wordings and submitting it to the admin next week for review.

In gym we continued soccer, with lots of skill based mini games/activities.

Math has been good too, lots of number talks and moving into factors and double digit


We also had a few computer lessons to finish up FSA’s.

In ADST, we developed criteria for making Quail houses. Then students were given supplies  and had to design a quail house that met the criteria! The engagement was through the roof!