Last week before Spring Break and we have leprechauns and quails in the classroom!

The quails are adorable and the students are in love with them. We spent most of Monday morning playing with them, naming them, getting to know them, and learning proper care techniques. Throughout the week, the quails were being incorporated into all subject areas (even math, as seen in the picture on the left).

We also had a cheeky leprechaun in the classroom all week. Sine I was born in Ireland, St Paddy’s Day is a very important and valued part of my heritage. I wanted to make it memorable for the students, so all week I pulled leprrechaun pranks. It started with an Art lesson when we all made leprechaun doors, and then escalated to the classroom getting trashed. I also put a bluetooth speaker in the cieling and played laughter and footsteps throughout the week. The principal loved it and said she had never seen someone put so much effort into it before! The students lvoed it and it all concluded with a great ADST lesson on building traps; I was impressed with what they built!
We also watched Bridge to Terabithia as a movie afternoon on our final day! This was the best way to wrap up my novel study and send the students home for spring break!